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alibyo [a.lib.yu.] : relief (n.)
[ Etymology: Spanish: alivio: relief ]

Derivatives of alibyo

n. (feeling)1. alleviation, assuagement, reliefthe feeling that comes when something burdensome is removed or reduced.; "as he heard the news he was suddenly flooded with relief"
~ comforta feeling of freedom from worry or disappointment.
n. (state)2. ease, reliefthe condition of being comfortable or relieved (especially after being relieved of distress).; "he enjoyed his relief from responsibility"; "getting it off his conscience gave him some ease"
~ comfort, comfortablenessa state of being relaxed and feeling no pain.; "he is a man who enjoys his comfort"; "she longed for the comfortableness of her armchair"
~ reprieve, respitea (temporary) relief from harm or discomfort.
n. (possession)3. relief(law) redress awarded by a court.; "was the relief supposed to be protection from future harm or compensation for past injury?"
~ law, jurisprudencethe collection of rules imposed by authority.; "civilization presupposes respect for the law"; "the great problem for jurisprudence to allow freedom while enforcing order"
~ amends, damages, indemnification, redress, restitution, indemnitya sum of money paid in compensation for loss or injury.
n. (person)4. backup, backup man, fill-in, relief, reliever, stand-in, substitutesomeone who takes the place of another (as when things get dangerous or difficult).; "the star had a stand-in for dangerous scenes"; "we need extra employees for summer fill-ins"
~ compeer, equal, peer, matcha person who is of equal standing with another in a group.
~ locum, locum tenenssomeone (physician or clergyman) who substitutes temporarily for another member of the same profession.
~ stunt man, stunt woman, doublea stand-in for movie stars to perform dangerous stunts.; "his first job in Hollywood was as a double for Clark Gable"
~ alternate, surrogate, replacementsomeone who takes the place of another person.
n. (act)5. ministration, relief, succor, succourassistance in time of difficulty.; "the contributions provided some relief for the victims"
~ assist, assistance, help, aidthe activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose.; "he gave me an assist with the housework"; "could not walk without assistance"; "rescue party went to their aid"; "offered his help in unloading"
~ consolation, comfort, solacethe act of consoling; giving relief in affliction.; "his presence was a consolation to her"
~ mercyalleviation of distress; showing great kindness toward the distressed.; "distributing food and clothing to the flood victims was an act of mercy"
n. (time)6. relief, respite, rest, rest perioda pause for relaxation.; "people actually accomplish more when they take time for short rests"
~ pause, intermission, suspension, interruption, breaka time interval during which there is a temporary cessation of something.
~ breather, breathing place, breathing space, breathing spell, breathing time, breatha short respite.
n. (event)7. easing, moderation, reliefa change for the better.
~ alteration, change, modificationan event that occurs when something passes from one state or phase to another.; "the change was intended to increase sales"; "this storm is certainly a change for the worse"; "the neighborhood had undergone few modifications since his last visit years ago"
~ disembarrassmentsomething that extricates you from embarrassment.
~ breath of fresh aira welcome relief.; "the new management was like a breath of fresh air"
n. (act)8. reliefaid for the aged or indigent or handicapped.; "he has been on relief for many years"
~ public assistance, social welfare, welfaregovernmental provision of economic assistance to persons in need.; "she lives on welfare"
n. (act)9. alleviation, easement, easing, reliefthe act of reducing something unpleasant (as pain or annoyance).; "he asked the nurse for relief from the constant pain"
~ reduction, step-down, diminution, decreasethe act of decreasing or reducing something.
~ spasmolysisthe relaxation or relief of muscle spasms.
~ detentethe easing of tensions or strained relations (especially between nations).
~ palliationeasing the severity of a pain or a disease without removing the cause.
~ liberalisation, liberalization, relaxationthe act of making less strict.
~ decompressing, decompressionrelieving pressure (especially bringing a compressed person gradually back to atmospheric pressure).
n. (artifact)10. embossment, relief, relievo, rilievo, sculptural reliefsculpture consisting of shapes carved on a surface so as to stand out from the surrounding background.
~ alto relievo, alto rilievo, high reliefa sculptural relief in which forms extend out from the background to at least half their depth.
~ bas relief, basso relievo, basso rilievo, low reliefa sculptural relief in which forms extend only slightly from the background; no figures are undercut.
~ half-relief, mezzo-relievo, mezzo-rilievoa sculptural relief between low relief and high relief.
~ sculpturea three-dimensional work of plastic art.
n. (act)11. reliefthe act of freeing a city or town that has been besieged.; "he asked for troops for the relief of Atlanta"
~ freeing, liberation, releasethe act of liberating someone or something.