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aprikano [a.pri.ka.nu.] : african (n.)
[ Etymology: Spanish: africano: african ]

Derivatives of aprikano

n. (person)1. africana native or inhabitant of Africa.
~ individual, mortal, person, somebody, someone, soula human being.; "there was too much for one person to do"
~ black africanan African who is Black.
~ eurafricana person of mixed European and African descent.
~ algeriana native or inhabitant of Algeria.
~ angolana native or inhabitant of Angola.
~ basothoa member of a subgroup of people who inhabit Lesotho.
~ bantua member of any of a large number of linguistically related peoples of Central and South Africa.
~ beninesea native or inhabitant of Benin.
~ burundiana native or inhabitant of Burundi.
~ camerooniana native or inhabitant of Cameroon.
~ carthaginiana native or inhabitant of ancient Carthage.
~ chadiana native or inhabitant of Chad.
~ cewa, chewa, chichewaa member of the Bantu-speaking people of Malawi and eastern Zambia and northern Zimbabwe.
~ congolesea native or inhabitant of the Republic of the Congo.
~ djiboutiana native or inhabitant of Djibouti.
~ egyptiana native or inhabitant of Egypt.
~ ethiopiana native or inhabitant of Ethiopia.
~ ewea member of a people living in southern Benin and Togo and southeastern Ghana.
~ fellata, fula, fulah, fulani, fulbea member of a pastoral and nomadic people of western Africa; they are traditionally cattle herders of Muslim faith.
~ gabonesea native or inhabitant of Gabon.
~ kenyana native or inhabitant of Kenya.
~ liberiana native or inhabitant of Liberia.
~ libyana native or inhabitant of Libya.
~ madagascana native or inhabitant of Madagascar.
~ malawiana native or inhabitant of Malawi.
~ maliana native or inhabitant of Mali.
~ mauritaniana native or inhabitant of Mauritania.
~ moroccana native or inhabitant of Morocco.
~ mozambicana native or inhabitant of Mozambique.
~ namibiana native or inhabitant of Namibia.
~ nigeriana native or inhabitant of Nigeria.
~ nigeriena native or inhabitant of Niger.
~ senegalesea native or inhabitant of Senegal.
~ sierra leoneana native or inhabitant of Sierra Leone.
~ south africana native or inhabitant of South Africa.
~ sudanesea native or inhabitant of Sudan.
~ swazia member of a southeast African people living in Swaziland and adjacent areas.
~ tanzaniana native or inhabitant of Tanzania.
~ togolesea native or inhabitant of Togo.
~ tuarega member of a nomadic Berber people of the Sahara.
~ tunisiana native or inhabitant of Tunisia.
~ ugandana native or inhabitant of Uganda.
~ gambiana native or inhabitant of Gambia.
~ ghaniana native or inhabitant of Ghana.
~ guineana native or inhabitant of Guinea.
~ rwandana native or inhabitant of Rwanda.
~ somali, somaliana member of a tall dark (mostly Muslim) people inhabiting Somalia.
~ xhosaa member of the Negroid people of southern South Africa.
~ zairean, zairesea native or inhabitant of Zaire.
~ zambiana native or inhabitant of Zambia.
~ zimbabweana native or inhabitant of Zimbabwe.
~ zulua member of the tall Negroid people of eastern South Africa; some live in KwaZulu-Natal under the traditional clan system but many now work in the cities.
~ berbera member of an indigenous people of northern Africa.
adj. (pertain)2. africanof or relating to the nations of Africa or their peoples.; "African languages"