specific | | |
n. (cognition) | 1. particular, specific | a fact about some part (as opposed to general).; "he always reasons from the particular to the general" |
| ~ fact | a piece of information about circumstances that exist or events that have occurred.; "first you must collect all the facts of the case" |
n. (artifact) | 2. specific | a medicine that has a mitigating effect on a specific disease.; "quinine is a specific for malaria" |
| ~ medicament, medication, medicinal drug, medicine | (medicine) something that treats or prevents or alleviates the symptoms of disease. |
adj. | 3. specific | (sometimes followed by `to') applying to or characterized by or distinguishing something particular or special or unique.; "rules with specific application"; "demands specific to the job"; "a specific and detailed account of the accident" |
| ~ ad hoc | for or concerned with one specific purpose.; "a coordinated policy instead of ad hoc decisions" |
| ~ circumstantial | fully detailed and specific about particulars.; "a circumstantial report about the debate" |
| ~ special, limited | having a specific function or scope.; "a special (or specific) role in the mission" |
| ~ particular, special, peculiar | unique or specific to a person or thing or category.; "the particular demands of the job"; "has a particular preference for Chinese art"; "a peculiar bond of sympathy between them"; "an expression peculiar to Canadians"; "rights peculiar to the rich"; "the special features of a computer"; "my own special chair" |
| ~ particular | separate and distinct from others of the same group or category.; "interested in one particular artist"; "a man who wishes to make a particular woman fall in love with him" |
| ~ particularised, particularized | directed toward a specific object.; "particularized thinking as distinct from stereotyped sloganeering" |
| ~ proper | limited to the thing specified.; "the city proper"; "his claim is connected with the deed proper" |
| ~ unique | (followed by `to') applying exclusively to a given category or condition or locality.; "a species unique to Australia" |
| ~ precise | sharply exact or accurate or delimited.; "a precise mind"; "specified a precise amount"; "arrived at the precise moment" |
| ~ specialised, specialized | developed or designed for a special activity or function.; "a specialized tool" |
adj. | 4. specific | stated explicitly or in detail.; "needed a specific amount" |
| ~ specified | clearly and explicitly stated.; "meals are at specified times" |
adj. (pertain) | 5. specific | relating to or distinguishing or constituting a taxonomic species.; "specific characters" |
adj. | 6. specific | being or affecting a disease produced by a particular microorganism or condition; used also of stains or dyes used in making microscope slides.; "quinine is highly specific for malaria"; "a specific remedy"; "a specific stain is one having a specific affinity for particular structural elements" |
| ~ medical specialty, medicine | the branches of medical science that deal with nonsurgical techniques. |
| ~ pathology | the branch of medical science that studies the causes and nature and effects of diseases. |
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