chemist | | |
n. (person) | 1. chemist | a scientist who specializes in chemistry. |
| ~ chemical science, chemistry | the science of matter; the branch of the natural sciences dealing with the composition of substances and their properties and reactions. |
| ~ biochemist | someone with special training in biochemistry. |
| ~ nuclear chemist, radiochemist | a chemist who specializes in nuclear chemistry. |
| ~ phytochemist | a chemist who specializes in the chemistry of plants. |
| ~ scientist | a person with advanced knowledge of one or more sciences. |
| ~ arrhenius, svante august arrhenius | Swedish chemist and physicist noted for his theory of chemical dissociation (1859-1927). |
| ~ berzelius, jons jakob berzelius | Swedish chemist who discovered three new elements and determined the atomic weights of many others (1779-1848). |
| ~ joseph black, black | British chemist who identified carbon dioxide and who formulated the concepts of specific heat and latent heat (1728-1799). |
| ~ robert boyle, boyle | Irish chemist who established that air has weight and whose definitions of chemical elements and chemical reactions helped to dissociate chemistry from alchemy (1627-1691). |
| ~ buchner, eduard buchner | German organic chemist who studied alcoholic fermentation and discovered zymase (1860-1917). |
| ~ bunsen, robert bunsen, robert wilhelm bunsen | German chemist who with Kirchhoff pioneered spectrum analysis but is remembered mainly for his invention of the Bunsen burner (1811-1899). |
| ~ calvin, melvin calvin | United States chemist noted for discovering the series of chemical reactions in photosynthesis (1911-). |
| ~ carothers, wallace carothers, wallace hume carothers | United States chemist who developed nylon (1896-1937). |
| ~ carver, george washington carver | United States botanist and agricultural chemist who developed many uses for peanuts and soy beans and sweet potatoes (1864-1943). |
| ~ cavendish, henry cavendish | British chemist and physicist who established that water is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen and who calculated the density of the earth (1731-1810). |
| ~ crookes, sir william crookes, william crookes | English chemist and physicist; discovered thallium; invented the radiometer and studied cathode rays (1832-1919). |
| ~ madame curie, marie curie, marya sklodowska, curie | French chemist (born in Poland) who won two Nobel prizes; one (with her husband and Henri Becquerel) for research on radioactivity and another for her discovery of radium and polonium (1867-1934). |
| ~ robert curl, robert f. curl, robert floyd curl jr., curl | American chemist who with Richard Smalley and Harold Kroto discovered fullerenes and opened a new branch of chemistry (born in 1933). |
| ~ dalton, john dalton | English chemist and physicist who formulated atomic theory and the law of partial pressures; gave the first description of red-green color blindness (1766-1844). |
| ~ davy, humphrey davy, sir humphrey davy | English chemist who was a pioneer in electrochemistry and who used it to isolate elements sodium and potassium and barium and boron and calcium and magnesium and chlorine (1778-1829). |
| ~ sir james dewar, dewar | Scottish chemist and physicist noted for his work in cryogenics and his invention of the Dewar flask (1842-1923). |
| ~ eigen, manfred eigen | German chemist who did research on high-speed chemical reactions (born in 1927). |
| ~ erlenmeyer, richard august carl emil erlenmeyer | German chemist (1825-1909). |
| ~ faraday, michael faraday | the English physicist and chemist who discovered electromagnetic induction (1791-1867). |
| ~ emil hermann fischer, fischer | German chemist noted for work on synthetic sugars and the purines (1852-1919). |
| ~ fischer, hans fischer | German chemist noted for his synthesis of hemin (1881-1945). |
| ~ flory, paul john flory | United States chemist who developed methods for studying long-chain molecules (1910-1985). |
| ~ gay-lussac, joseph louis gay-lussac | French chemist and physicist who first isolated boron and who formulated the law describing the behavior of gases under constant pressure (1778-1850). |
| ~ gibbs, josiah willard gibbs | United States chemist (1839-1903). |
| ~ fritz haber, haber | German chemist noted for the synthetic production of ammonia from the nitrogen in air (1868-1934). |
| ~ hahn, otto hahn | German chemist who was co-discoverer with Lise Meitner of nuclear fission (1879-1968). |
| ~ charles martin hall, hall | United States chemist who developed an economical method of producing aluminum from bauxite (1863-1914). |
| ~ hassel, odd hassel | Norwegian chemist noted for his research on organic molecules (1897-1981). |
| ~ william henry, henry | English chemist who studied the quantities of gas absorbed by water at different temperatures and under different pressures (1775-1836). |
| ~ george charles hevesy de hevesy, hevesy | Hungarian chemist who studied radioisotopes and was one of the discoverers of the element hafnium (1885-1966). |
| ~ heyrovsky, joroslav heyrovsky | Czechoslovakian chemist who developed polarography (1890-1967). |
| ~ dorothy hodgkin, dorothy mary crowfoot hodgkin, hodgkin | English chemist (born in Egypt) who used crystallography to study the structure of organic compounds (1910-1994). |
| ~ roald hoffmann, hoffmann | United States chemist (born in Poland) who used quantum mechanics to understand chemical reactions (born in 1937). |
| ~ august wilhelm von hoffmann, hoffmann | German chemist (1818-1892). |
| ~ friedrich august kekule, friedrich august kekule von stradonitz, kekule | German chemist remembered for his discovery of the ring structure of benzene (1829-1896). |
| ~ klaproth, martin heinrich klaproth | German chemist who pioneered analytical chemistry and discovered three new elements (1743-1817). |
| ~ harold kroto, harold w. kroto, kroto, sir harold walter kroto | British chemist who with Robert Curl and Richard Smalley discovered fullerenes and opened a new branch of chemistry (born in 1939). |
| ~ kuhn, richard kuhn | Austrian chemist who did research on carotenoids and vitamins (1900-1967). |
| ~ irving langmuir, langmuir | United States chemist who studied surface chemistry and developed the gas-filled tungsten lamp and worked on high temperature electrical discharges (1881-1957). |
| ~ antoine laurent lavoisier, antoine lavoisier, lavoisier | French chemist known as the father of modern chemistry; discovered oxygen and disproved the theory of phlogiston (1743-1794). |
| ~ henry le chatelier, le chatelier | French chemist who formulated Le Chatelier's principle (1850-1936). |
| ~ libby, willard frank libby | United States chemist who developed a method of radiocarbon dating (1908-1980). |
| ~ lipscomb, william nunn lipscom jr. | United States chemist noted for his theories of molecular structure (born in 1919). |
| ~ dmitri ivanovich mendeleev, dmitri ivanovich mendeleyev, dmitri mendeleev, dmitri mendeleyev, mendeleev, mendeleyev | Russian chemist who developed a periodic table of the chemical elements and predicted the discovery of several new elements (1834-1907). |
| ~ e. w. morley, edward morley, edward williams morley, morley | United States chemist and physicist who collaborated with Michelson in the Michelson-Morley experiment (1838-1923). |
| ~ carl gustaf mossander, mosander | Swedish chemist who discovered rare earth elements (1797-1858). |
| ~ muller, paul hermann muller | Swiss chemist who synthesized DDT and discovered its use as an insecticide (1899-1965). |
| ~ giulio natta, natta | Italian chemist noted for work on polymers (1903-1979). |
| ~ nernst, walther hermann nernst | German physicist and chemist who formulated the third law of thermodynamics (1864-1941). |
| ~ alfred bernhard nobel, alfred nobel, nobel | Swedish chemist remembered for his invention of dynamite and for the bequest that created the Nobel prizes (1833-1896). |
| ~ norrish, ronald george wreyford norrish | English chemist (1897-1978). |
| ~ lars onsager, onsager | United States chemist (born in Norway) noted for his work in thermodynamics (1903-1976). |
| ~ ostwald, wilhelm ostwald | German chemist (1853-1932). |
| ~ louis pasteur, pasteur | French chemist and biologist whose discovery that fermentation is caused by microorganisms resulted in the process of pasteurization (1822-1895). |
| ~ linus carl pauling, linus pauling, pauling | United States chemist who studied the nature of chemical bonding (1901-1994). |
| ~ joseph priestley, priestley | English chemist who isolated many gases and discovered oxygen (independently of Scheele) (1733-1804). |
| ~ reichstein, tadeus reichstein | a Swiss chemist born in Poland; studied the hormones of the adrenal cortex. |
| ~ richard j. roberts, richard john roberts, roberts | United States biochemist (born in England) honored for his discovery that some genes contain introns (born in 1943). |
| ~ robert robinson, robinson, sir robert robinson | English chemist noted for his studies of molecular structures in plants (1886-1975). |
| ~ daniel rutherford, rutherford | British chemist who isolated nitrogen (1749-1819). |
| ~ karl scheele, karl wilhelm scheele, scheele | Swedish chemist (born in Germany) who discovered oxygen before Priestley did (1742-1786). |
| ~ christian friedrich schonbein, christian schonbein, schonbein | German chemist who discovered ozone and developed guncotton as a propellant in firearms (1799-1868). |
| ~ glenn t. seaborg, glenn theodore seaborg, seaborg | United States chemist who was one of the discoverers of plutonium (1912-1999). |
| ~ richard e. smalley, richard errett smalley, richard smalley, smalley | American chemist who with Robert Curl and Harold Kroto discovered fullerenes and opened a new branch of chemistry (born in 1943). |
| ~ frederick soddy, soddy | English chemist whose work on radioactive disintegration led to the discovery of isotopes (1877-1956). |
| ~ ernest solvay, solvay | Belgian chemist who developed the Solvay process and built factories exploiting it (1838-1922). |
| ~ soren peter lauritz sorensen, sorensen | Danish chemist who devised the pH scale (1868-1939). |
| ~ lord todd, sir alexander robertus todd, todd | Scottish chemist noted for his research into the structure of nucleic acids (born in 1907). |
| ~ harold clayton urey, harold urey, urey | United States chemist who discovered deuterium (1893-1981). |
| ~ sir geoffrey wilkinson, wilkinson | English chemist honored for his research on pollutants in car exhausts (born in 1921). |
| ~ adolf windaus, windaus | German chemist who studied steroids and cholesterol and discovered histamine (1876-1959). |
| ~ william hyde wollaston, wollaston | English chemist and physicist who discovered palladium and rhodium and demonstrated that static and current electricity are the same (1766-1828). |
| ~ bob woodward, robert burns woodward, robert woodward, woodward | United States chemist honored for synthesizing complex organic compounds (1917-1979). |
| ~ karl waldemar ziegler, ziegler | German chemist honored for his research on polymers (1898-1973). |
| ~ richard adolph zsigmondy, zsigmondy | German chemist (born in Austria) honored for his research on colloidal solutions (1865-1929). |
n. (person) | 2. apothecary, chemist, druggist, pharmacist, pill pusher, pill roller | a health professional trained in the art of preparing and dispensing drugs. |
| ~ caregiver, health care provider, health professional, pcp, primary care provider | a person who helps in identifying or preventing or treating illness or disability. |
| ~ pharmaceutical chemist, pharmacologist | someone trained in the science of drugs (their composition and uses and effects). |
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