appoint | | |
v. (social) | 1. appoint, constitute, name, nominate | create and charge with a task or function.; "nominate a committee" |
| ~ institute, establish, found, plant, constitute | set up or lay the groundwork for.; "establish a new department" |
| ~ pack | set up a committee or legislative body with one's own supporters so as to influence the outcome.; "pack a jury" |
| ~ co-opt | appoint summarily or commandeer.; "The army tried to co-opt peasants into civil defence groups" |
v. (social) | 2. appoint, charge | assign a duty, responsibility or obligation to.; "He was appointed deputy manager"; "She was charged with supervising the creation of a concordance" |
| ~ assign, delegate, designate, depute | give an assignment to (a person) to a post, or assign a task to (a person). |
| ~ depute, deputise, deputize | appoint as a substitute. |
| ~ name, nominate, make | charge with a function; charge to be.; "She was named Head of the Committee"; "She was made president of the club" |
| ~ authorise, empower, authorize | give or delegate power or authority to.; "She authorized her assistant to sign the papers" |
| ~ accredit | provide or send (envoys or embassadors) with official credentials. |
| ~ create | invest with a new title, office, or rank.; "Create one a peer" |
v. (possession) | 3. appoint | furnish.; "a beautifully appointed house" |
| ~ equip, fit out, outfit, fit | provide with (something) usually for a specific purpose.; "The expedition was equipped with proper clothing, food, and other necessities" |
designate | | |
v. (communication) | 1. denominate, designate | assign a name or title to. |
| ~ denote | be a sign or indication of.; "Her smile denoted that she agreed" |
| ~ number | give numbers to.; "You should number the pages of the thesis" |
| ~ label | assign a label to; designate with a label.; "These students were labelled `learning disabled'" |
v. (social) | 2. assign, delegate, depute, designate | give an assignment to (a person) to a post, or assign a task to (a person). |
| ~ mandate | assign authority to. |
| ~ cast | select to play,sing, or dance a part in a play, movie, musical, opera, or ballet.; "He cast a young woman in the role of Desdemona" |
| ~ post | assign to a post; put into a post.; "The newspaper posted him in Timbuktu" |
| ~ cast | assign the roles of (a movie or a play) to actors.; "Who cast this beautiful movie?" |
| ~ devolve | pass on or delegate to another.; "The representative devolved his duties to his aides while he was in the hospital" |
| ~ task | assign a task to.; "I tasked him with looking after the children" |
| ~ place | place somebody in a particular situation or location.; "he was placed on probation" |
| ~ regiment | assign to a regiment.; "regiment soldiers" |
| ~ reassign, transfer | transfer somebody to a different position or location of work. |
| ~ delegate, depute | transfer power to someone. |
| ~ mandate | assign under a mandate.; "mandate a colony" |
| ~ elevate, kick upstairs, promote, upgrade, advance, raise | give a promotion to or assign to a higher position.; "John was kicked upstairs when a replacement was hired"; "Women tend not to advance in the major law firms"; "I got promoted after many years of hard work" |
| ~ demote, kick downstairs, relegate, bump, break | assign to a lower position; reduce in rank.; "She was demoted because she always speaks up"; "He was broken down to Sergeant" |
| ~ appoint, charge | assign a duty, responsibility or obligation to.; "He was appointed deputy manager"; "She was charged with supervising the creation of a concordance" |
| ~ place | assign to (a job or a home). |
v. (communication) | 3. designate, indicate, point, show | indicate a place, direction, person, or thing; either spatially or figuratively.; "I showed the customer the glove section"; "He pointed to the empty parking space"; "he indicated his opponents" |
| ~ inform | impart knowledge of some fact, state or affairs, or event to.; "I informed him of his rights" |
| ~ point | indicate the presence of (game) by standing and pointing with the muzzle.; "the dog pointed the dead duck" |
| ~ finger | indicate the fingering for the playing of musical scores for keyboard instruments. |
| ~ call attention, point out, signalise, signalize | point out carefully and clearly. |
| ~ reflect | manifest or bring back.; "This action reflects his true beliefs" |
v. (communication) | 4. designate, destine, doom, fate | decree or designate beforehand.; "She was destined to become a great pianist" |
| ~ ordain | issue an order. |
v. (cognition) | 5. designate, destine, intend, specify | design or destine.; "She was intended to become the director" |
| ~ plan | make plans for something.; "He is planning a trip with his family" |
| ~ mean | destine or designate for a certain purpose.; "These flowers were meant for you" |
| ~ design | plan something for a specific role or purpose or effect.; "This room is not designed for work" |
| ~ slate | designate or schedule.; "He slated his talk for 9 AM"; "She was slated to be his successor" |
| ~ aim, calculate, direct | specifically design a product, event, or activity for a certain public. |
adj. | 6. designate | appointed but not yet installed in office. |
| ~ incoming | arriving at a place or position.; "incoming class"; "incoming mail" |
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