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sakripisyo [sak.ri.pis.yu.] : sacrifice (n.)
[ Etymology: Spanish: sacrificio: sacrifice ]

Derivatives of sakripisyo

n. (act)1. forfeit, forfeiture, sacrificethe act of losing or surrendering something as a penalty for a mistake or fault or failure to perform etc..
~ human action, human activity, act, deedsomething that people do or cause to happen.
n. (event)2. sacrificepersonnel that are sacrificed (e.g., surrendered or lost in order to gain an objective).
~ personnel casualty, lossmilitary personnel lost by death or capture.
n. (possession)3. sacrificea loss entailed by giving up or selling something at less than its value.; "he had to sell his car at a considerable sacrifice"
~ losssomething that is lost.; "the car was a total loss"; "loss of livestock left the rancher bankrupt"
n. (act)4. ritual killing, sacrificethe act of killing (an animal or person) in order to propitiate a deity.
~ animal, animate being, beast, creature, brute, faunaa living organism characterized by voluntary movement.
~ kill, putting to death, killingthe act of terminating a life.
~ hecatomba great sacrifice; an ancient Greek or Roman sacrifice of 100 oxen.
~ immolationkilling or offering as a sacrifice.
n. (act)5. sacrifice(baseball) an out that advances the base runners.
~ putoutan out resulting from a fielding play (not a strikeout).; "the first baseman made 15 putouts"
~ sacrifice flya sacrifice made by hitting a long fly ball.
~ baseball, baseball gamea ball game played with a bat and ball between two teams of nine players; teams take turns at bat trying to score runs.; "he played baseball in high school"; "there was a baseball game on every empty lot"; "there was a desire for National League ball in the area"; "play ball!"
v. (possession)6. give, sacrificeendure the loss of.; "He gave his life for his children"; "I gave two sons to the war"
~ devote, pay, givededicate.; "give thought to"; "give priority to"; "pay attention to"
~ dedicate, devote, commit, consecrate, givegive entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause.; "She committed herself to the work of God"; "give one's talents to a good cause"; "consecrate your life to the church"
~ relinquish, resign, give up, release, freepart with a possession or right.; "I am relinquishing my bedroom to the long-term house guest"; "resign a claim to the throne"
v. (contact)7. sacrificekill or destroy.; "The animals were sacrificed after the experiment"; "The general had to sacrifice several soldiers to save the regiment"
~ killcause to die; put to death, usually intentionally or knowingly.; "This man killed several people when he tried to rob a bank"; "The farmer killed a pig for the holidays"
v. (possession)8. sacrificesell at a loss.
~ sellexchange or deliver for money or its equivalent.; "He sold his house in January"; "She sells her body to survive and support her drug habit"
v. (possession)9. sacrificemake a sacrifice of; in religious rituals.
~ immolateoffer as a sacrifice by killing or by giving up to destruction.; "The Aztecs immolated human victims"; "immolate the valuables at the temple"
~ offer up, offerpresent as an act of worship.; "offer prayers to the gods"