English to Binisaya - Cebuano Dictionary and Thesaurus.

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Word - rootword - affixes
pautog - utog - pa-~
pa.u.tug. - 3 syllables

pa- = pautog

pautog : aphrodisiac (n.); sex up (v.)
utog [u.tug.] : erection (n.); hard-on (n.)
Related words: kantaridas

Derivatives of utog

n. (artifact)1. aphrodisiaca drug or other agent that stimulates sexual desire.
~ excitant, stimulant drug, stimulanta drug that temporarily quickens some vital process.
adj. 2. aphrodisiac, aphrodisiacal, sexyexciting sexual desire.
sex up
v. (change)1. eroticize, sex upgive erotic character to or make more interesting.; "eroticize the ads"
~ alter, change, modifycause to change; make different; cause a transformation.; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue"
n. (state)1. erection, hard-onan erect penis.
~ sexual arousalthe arousal of sexual desires in preparation for sexual behavior.