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sarangat : jigger (n.) [panagat]
Related words: taga

Derivatives of sarangat

n. (artifact)1. jigger, pony, shot glassa small glass adequate to hold a single swallow of whiskey.
~ drinking glass, glassa container for holding liquids while drinking.
n. (artifact)2. jigger, jiggermastany small mast on a sailing vessel; especially the mizzenmast of a yawl.
~ masta vertical spar for supporting sails.
n. (animal)3. chigger, harvest mite, jigger, redbuglarval mite that sucks the blood of vertebrates including human beings causing intense irritation.
~ trombiculidmite that as nymph and adult feeds on early stages of small arthropods but whose larvae are parasitic on terrestrial vertebrates.
~ genus trombicula, trombiculatype genus of the family Trombiculidae.