bandage | | |
n. (artifact) | 1. bandage, patch | a piece of soft material that covers and protects an injured part of the body. |
| ~ adhesive bandage | bandage consisting of a medical dressing of plain absorbent gauze held in place by a plastic or fabric tape coated with adhesive. |
| ~ capeline bandage | bandage that covers the head or an amputation stump like a cap. |
| ~ plaster bandage, plaster cast, cast | bandage consisting of a firm covering (often made of plaster of Paris) that immobilizes broken bones while they heal. |
| ~ compression bandage, tourniquet | bandage that stops the flow of blood from an artery by applying pressure. |
| ~ medical dressing, dressing | a cloth covering for a wound or sore. |
| ~ elastic bandage | a bandage containing stretchable material that can apply local pressure. |
| ~ four-tailed bandage | a bandage consisting of a strip of cloth split in two on both ends; the central part is placed under the chin to restrict motion of the mandible and the tails are tied over the top of the head. |
| ~ gauze, gauze bandage | (medicine) bleached cotton cloth of plain weave used for bandages and dressings. |
| ~ immovable bandage | a bandage of cloth impregnated with a substance (e.g., plaster of Paris) that hardens soon after it is applied. |
| ~ oblique bandage | a bandage in which successive turns proceed obliquely up or down a limb. |
| ~ roller bandage | bandage consisting of a strip of sterile fabric (of variable width) rolled into a cylinder to facilitate application. |
| ~ scarf bandage, triangular bandage, sling | bandage to support an injured forearm; consisting of a wide triangular piece of cloth hanging from around the neck. |
| ~ suspensory, suspensory bandage | a bandage of elastic fabric applied to uplift a dependant part (as the scrotum or a pendulous breast). |
| ~ swathe, wrapping | an enveloping bandage. |
| ~ truss | (medicine) a bandage consisting of a pad and belt; worn to hold a hernia in place by pressure. |
v. (contact) | 2. bandage, bind | wrap around with something so as to cover or enclose. |
| ~ fasten, fix, secure | cause to be firmly attached.; "fasten the lock onto the door"; "she fixed her gaze on the man" |
v. (body) | 3. bandage | dress by covering or binding.; "The nurse bandaged a sprained ankle"; "bandage an incision" |
| ~ practice of medicine, medicine | the learned profession that is mastered by graduate training in a medical school and that is devoted to preventing or alleviating or curing diseases and injuries.; "he studied medicine at Harvard" |
| ~ dress | apply a bandage or medication to.; "dress the victim's wounds" |
| ~ ligate | bind with a bandage or ligature.; "ligate the artery" |
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