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birtud [bir.tud.] : fetish (n.) [dagon]; virtue (n.)
[ Etymology: Spanish: virtud: virtue ]
Related words: ambal; anting-anting; dagon; hiyas; tangil

Derivatives of birtud

n. (feeling)1. fetisha form of sexual desire in which gratification depends to an abnormal degree on some object or item of clothing or part of the body.; "common male fetishes are breasts, legs, hair, shoes, and underwear"
~ concupiscence, physical attraction, sexual desire, erosa desire for sexual intimacy.
n. (artifact)2. fetich, fetish, hoodoo, juju, voodooa charm superstitiously believed to embody magical powers.
~ good luck charm, charmsomething believed to bring good luck.
n. (act)3. fetich, fetishexcessive or irrational devotion to some activity.; "made a fetish of cleanliness"
~ devotioncommitment to some purpose.; "the devotion of his time and wealth to science"
n. (attribute)1. moral excellence, virtue, virtuousnessthe quality of doing what is right and avoiding what is wrong.
~ good, goodnessmoral excellence or admirableness.; "there is much good to be found in people"
n. (attribute)2. merit, virtueany admirable quality or attribute.; "work of great merit"
~ worththe quality that renders something desirable or valuable or useful.
n. (attribute)3. chastity, sexual morality, virtuemorality with respect to sexual relations.
~ moralityconcern with the distinction between good and evil or right and wrong; right or good conduct.
~ pureness, purity, honor, honoura woman's virtue or chastity.
n. (attribute)4. virtuea particular moral excellence.
~ cardinal virtueone of the seven preeminent virtues.
~ good, goodnessmoral excellence or admirableness.; "there is much good to be found in people"