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brutal [bru.tal.] : brutal (adj.)
[ Etymology: Spanish: brutal: brutal ]

Derivatives of brutal

adj. 1. barbarous, brutal, cruel, fell, roughshod, savage, vicious(of persons or their actions) able or disposed to inflict pain or suffering.; "a barbarous crime"; "brutal beatings"; "cruel tortures"; "Stalin's roughshod treatment of the kulaks"; "a savage slap"; "vicious kicks"
~ inhumanelacking and reflecting lack of pity or compassion.; "humans are innately inhumane; this explains much of the misery and suffering in the world"; "biological weapons are considered too inhumane to be used"
adj. 2. brutal, unrelentingharsh.; "the brutal summer sun"; "a brutal winter"
~ intensepossessing or displaying a distinctive feature to a heightened degree.; "intense heat"; "intense anxiety"; "intense desire"; "intense emotion"; "the skunk's intense acrid odor"; "intense pain"; "enemy fire was intense"
adj. 3. beastly, bestial, brutal, brute, brutishresembling a beast; showing lack of human sensibility.; "beastly desires"; "a bestial nature"; "brute force"; "a dull and brutish man"; "bestial treatment of prisoners"
~ inhumanelacking and reflecting lack of pity or compassion.; "humans are innately inhumane; this explains much of the misery and suffering in the world"; "biological weapons are considered too inhumane to be used"
adj. 4. brutaldisagreeably direct and precise.; "he spoke with brutal honesty"
~ directstraightforward in means or manner or behavior or language or action.; "a direct question"; "a direct response"; "a direct approach"