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elegante [i.li.gan.ti.] : elegant (adj.)
[ Etymology: Spanish: elegante: elegant ]

Derivatives of elegante

adj. 1. elegantrefined and tasteful in appearance or behavior or style.; "elegant handwriting"; "an elegant dark suit"; "she was elegant to her fingertips"; "small churches with elegant white spires"; "an elegant mathematical solution--simple and precise and lucid"
~ dignifiedhaving or expressing dignity; especially formality or stateliness in bearing or appearance.; "her dignified demeanor"; "the director of the school was a dignified white-haired gentleman"
~ dandified, dandyish, foppishaffecting extreme elegance in dress and manner.
~ de luxe, luxe, deluxeelegant and sumptuous.; "a deluxe car"; "luxe accommodations"
~ finecharacterized by elegance or refinement or accomplishment.; "fine wine"; "looking fine in her Easter suit"; "a fine gentleman"; "fine china and crystal"; "a fine violinist"; "the fine hand of a master"
~ high-class, high-tonedpretentiously elegant.; "a high-toned restaurant"
~ recherche, exquisitelavishly elegant and refined.
~ tasteful, neat, refinedfree from what is tawdry or unbecoming.; "a neat style"; "a neat set of rules"; "she hated to have her neat plans upset"
~ ritzyluxuriously elegant.
~ soigne, soigneepolished and well-groomed; showing sophisticated elegance.
~ gracefulcharacterized by beauty of movement, style, form, or execution.
~ refined(used of persons and their behavior) cultivated and genteel.; "she was delicate and refined and unused to hardship"; "refined people with refined taste"
~ sophisticatedhaving or appealing to those having worldly knowledge and refinement and savoir-faire.; "sophisticated young socialites"; "a sophisticated audience"; "a sophisticated lifestyle"; "a sophisticated book"
~ tastefulhaving or showing or conforming to good taste.
adj. 2. elegant, graceful, refinedsuggesting taste, ease, and wealth.
~ graciouscharacterized by charm, good taste, and generosity of spirit.; "gracious even to unexpected visitors"; "gracious living"; "he bears insult with gracious good humor"
adj. 3. elegantdisplaying effortless beauty and simplicity in movement or execution.; "an elegant dancer"; "an elegant mathematical solution -- simple and precise"
~ gracefulcharacterized by beauty of movement, style, form, or execution.