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imposible [im.pu.sib.li.] : impossible (adj.)
[ Etymology: Spanish: imposible: impossible ]

Derivatives of imposible

n. (cognition)1. impossiblesomething that cannot be done.; "his assignment verged on the impossible"
~ impossible action, impossibilityan alternative that is not available.
adj. 2. impossiblenot capable of occurring or being accomplished or dealt with.; "an impossible dream"; "an impossible situation"
~ hopelesswithout hope because there seems to be no possibility of comfort or success.; "in an agony of hopeless grief"; "with a hopeless sigh he sat down"
~ hopelesscertain to fail.; "the situation is hopeless"
~ impracticable, infeasible, unfeasible, unworkablenot capable of being carried out or put into practice.; "refloating the sunken ship proved impracticable because of its fragility"; "a suggested reform that was unfeasible in the prevailing circumstances"
~ outnot worth considering as a possibility.; "a picnic is out because of the weather"
~ unachievable, unattainable, undoable, unrealizableimpossible to achieve.; "an unattainable goal"
~ impracticalnot practical; not workable or not given to practical matters.; "refloating the ship proved impractical because of the expense"; "he is intelligent but too impractical for commercial work"; "an impractical solution"
~ unrealisticnot realistic.; "unrealistic expectations"; "prices at unrealistic high levels"
~ insurmountable, unsurmountablenot capable of being surmounted or overcome.; "insurmountable disadvantages"
~ unthinkableincapable of being conceived or considered.
adj. 3. impossible, inconceivable, out of the question, unimaginabletotally unlikely.
~ unthinkableincapable of being conceived or considered.
adj. 4. impossible, insufferable, unacceptable, unsufferableused of persons or their behavior.; "impossible behavior"; "insufferable insolence"
~ intolerable, unbearable, unendurableincapable of being put up with.; "an intolerable degree of sentimentality"