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karetera [ka.ri.tí.ra.] : main road (n.)
[ Etymology: Spanish: carretera: road ]
Synonyms: karsada

Derivatives of karetera

main road
n. (artifact)1. highway, main roada major road for any form of motor transport.
~ appian wayan ancient Roman road in Italy extending south from Rome to Brindisi; begun in 312 BC.
~ arterial roada major or main route.
~ beltway, bypass, ring road, ringwaya highway that encircles an urban area so that traffic does not have to pass through the center.
~ divided highway, dual carriagewaya highway divided down the middle by a barrier that separates traffic going in different directions.; "in Britain they call a divided highway a dual carriageway"
~ expressway, freeway, motorway, pike, state highway, superhighway, throughway, thruwaya broad highway designed for high-speed traffic.
~ flaminian wayan ancient Roman road in Italy built by Gaius Flaminius in 220 BC; extends north from Rome to cisalpine Gaul.
~ highroad, trunk roada highway.
~ interchangea junction of highways on different levels that permits traffic to move from one to another without crossing traffic streams.
~ interstate, interstate highwayone of the system of highways linking major cities in the 48 contiguous states of the United States.
~ road, routean open way (generally public) for travel or transportation.
~ traffic lanea lane of a main road that is defined by painted lines.; "that car is in the wrong traffic lane"