front | | |
n. (location) | 1. forepart, front, front end | the side that is forward or prominent. |
| ~ side, face | a surface forming part of the outside of an object.; "he examined all sides of the crystal"; "dew dripped from the face of the leaf" |
| ~ forefront, head | the part in the front or nearest the viewer.; "he was in the forefront"; "he was at the head of the column" |
n. (location) | 2. battlefront, front, front line | the line along which opposing armies face each other. |
| ~ battlefield, battleground, field of battle, field, field of honor | a region where a battle is being (or has been) fought.; "they made a tour of Civil War battlefields" |
| ~ line | a fortified position (especially one marking the most forward position of troops).; "they attacked the enemy's line" |
n. (cognition) | 3. front | the outward appearance of a person.; "he put up a bold front" |
| ~ appearance | a mental representation.; "I tried to describe his appearance to the police" |
n. (artifact) | 4. front | the side that is seen or that goes first. |
| ~ fore, prow, bow, stem | front part of a vessel or aircraft.; "he pointed the bow of the boat toward the finish line" |
| ~ facade, frontage, frontal | the face or front of a building. |
| ~ face | the side upon which the use of a thing depends (usually the most prominent surface of an object).; "he dealt the cards face down" |
| ~ frontispiece | front illustration facing the title page of a book. |
| ~ nose | a front that resembles a human nose (especially the front of an aircraft).; "the nose of the rocket heated up on reentry" |
| ~ nose | the front or forward projection of a tool or weapon.; "he ducked under the nose of the gun" |
| ~ nose cone, ogive | front consisting of the conical head of a missile or rocket that protects the payload from heat during its passage through the atmosphere. |
| ~ shirtfront | the front of a shirt (usually the part not covered by a jacket).; "he had spilled catsup on his shirtfront" |
| ~ shopfront, storefront | the front side of a store facing the street; usually contains display windows. |
| ~ side | an extended outer surface of an object.; "he turned the box over to examine the bottom side"; "they painted all four sides of the house" |
n. (person) | 5. figurehead, front, front man, nominal head, straw man, strawman | a person used as a cover for some questionable activity. |
| ~ beguiler, cheater, deceiver, trickster, cheat, slicker | someone who leads you to believe something that is not true. |
n. (state) | 6. front | a sphere of activity involving effort.; "the Japanese were active last week on the diplomatic front"; "they advertise on many different fronts" |
| ~ arena, domain, sphere, orbit, area, field | a particular environment or walk of life.; "his social sphere is limited"; "it was a closed area of employment"; "he's out of my orbit" |
n. (phenomenon) | 7. front | (meteorology) the atmospheric phenomenon created at the boundary between two different air masses. |
| ~ meteorology | the earth science dealing with phenomena of the atmosphere (especially weather). |
| ~ atmospheric phenomenon | a physical phenomenon associated with the atmosphere. |
| ~ warm front | the front of an advancing mass of warmer air. |
| ~ cold front, polar front | the front of an advancing mass of colder air. |
| ~ occluded front, occlusion | (meteorology) a composite front when colder air surrounds a mass of warm air and forces it aloft. |
n. (location) | 8. front, presence | the immediate proximity of someone or something.; "she blushed in his presence"; "he sensed the presence of danger"; "he was well behaved in front of company" |
| ~ proximity | the region close around a person or thing. |
n. (location) | 9. front | the part of something that is nearest to the normal viewer.; "he walked to the front of the stage" |
| ~ position, place | the particular portion of space occupied by something.; "he put the lamp back in its place" |
n. (group) | 10. front, movement, social movement | a group of people with a common ideology who try together to achieve certain general goals.; "he was a charter member of the movement"; "politicians have to respect a mass movement"; "he led the national liberation front" |
| ~ social group | people sharing some social relation. |
| ~ fighting french, free french | a French movement during World War II that was organized in London by Charles de Gaulle to fight for the liberation of France from German control and for the restoration of the republic. |
| ~ art movement, artistic movement | a group of artists who agree on general principles. |
| ~ boy scouts | an international (but decentralized) movement started in 1908 in England with the goal of teaching good citizenship to boys. |
| ~ civil rights movement | movement in the United States beginning in the 1960s and led primarily by Blacks in an effort to establish the civil rights of individual Black citizens. |
| ~ common front | a movement in which several individuals or groups with different interests join together.; "the unions presented a common front at the bargaining table" |
| ~ cultural movement | a group of people working together to advance certain cultural goals. |
| ~ ecumenism, oecumenism | a movement promoting union between religions (especially between Christian churches). |
| ~ falun gong | a spiritual movement that began in China in the latter half of the 20th century and is based on Buddhist and Taoist teachings and practices. |
| ~ political movement | a group of people working together to achieve a political goal. |
| ~ reform movement | a movement intended to bring about social and humanitarian reforms. |
| ~ religious movement | a movement intended to bring about religious reforms. |
| ~ zionist movement, zionism | a movement of world Jewry that arose late in the 19th century with the aim of creating a Jewish state in Palestine. |
v. (stative) | 11. face, front, look | be oriented in a certain direction, often with respect to another reference point; be opposite to.; "The house looks north"; "My backyard look onto the pond"; "The building faces the park" |
| ~ lie | be located or situated somewhere; occupy a certain position. |
| ~ face | be opposite.; "the facing page"; "the two sofas face each other" |
| ~ confront | be face to face with.; "The child screamed when he confronted the man in the Halloween costume" |
v. (competition) | 12. breast, front | confront bodily.; "breast the storm" |
| ~ confront, face | oppose, as in hostility or a competition.; "You must confront your opponent"; "Jackson faced Smith in the boxing ring"; "The two enemies finally confronted each other" |
adj. | 13. front | relating to or located in the front.; "the front lines"; "the front porch" |
| ~ anterior | of or near the head end or toward the front plane of a body. |
| ~ in advance, advance, advanced | situated ahead or going before.; "an advance party"; "at that time the most advanced outpost was still east of the Rockies" |
| ~ frontmost, foremost | preceding all others in spatial position.; "the foremost compartment of the ship" |
| ~ head-on, frontal | meeting front to front.; "a frontal attack"; "a head-on collision" |
| ~ first | preceding all others in time or space or degree.; "the first house on the right"; "the first day of spring"; "his first political race"; "her first baby"; "the first time"; "the first meetings of the new party"; "the first phase of his training" |
| ~ fore | situated at or toward the bow of a vessel. |
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