crank | | |
n. (person) | 1. churl, crank, crosspatch, grouch, grump | a bad-tempered person. |
| ~ disagreeable person, unpleasant person | a person who is not pleasant or agreeable. |
| ~ crabby person, crab | a quarrelsome grouch. |
| ~ hothead, fire-eater | a belligerent grouch. |
| ~ misanthrope, misanthropist | someone who dislikes people in general. |
n. (person) | 2. crackpot, crank, fruitcake, nut, nut case, screwball | a whimsically eccentric person. |
| ~ eccentric, eccentric person, oddball, flake, geek | a person with an unusual or odd personality. |
n. (artifact) | 3. chalk, chicken feed, crank, deoxyephedrine, glass, ice, meth, methamphetamine, methamphetamine hydrochloride, methedrine, shabu, trash | an amphetamine derivative (trade name Methedrine) used in the form of a crystalline hydrochloride; used as a stimulant to the nervous system and as an appetite suppressant. |
| ~ amphetamine, pep pill, upper, speed | a central nervous system stimulant that increases energy and decreases appetite; used to treat narcolepsy and some forms of depression. |
| ~ controlled substance | a drug or chemical substance whose possession and use are controlled by law. |
n. (artifact) | 4. crank, starter | a hand tool consisting of a rotating shaft with parallel handle. |
| ~ crank handle, starting handle | crank used to start an engine. |
| ~ hand tool | a tool used with workers' hands. |
v. (motion) | 5. crank, zigzag | travel along a zigzag path.; "The river zigzags through the countryside" |
| ~ go, locomote, move, travel | change location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically.; "How fast does your new car go?"; "We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus"; "The policemen went from door to door looking for the suspect"; "The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell"; "news travelled fast" |
| ~ turn | change orientation or direction, also in the abstract sense.; "Turn towards me"; "The mugger turned and fled before I could see his face"; "She turned from herself and learned to listen to others' needs" |
v. (motion) | 6. crank, crank up | start by cranking.; "crank up the engine" |
| ~ start up, start | get going or set in motion.; "We simply could not start the engine"; "start up the computer" |
v. (contact) | 7. crank, crank up | rotate with a crank. |
| ~ circumvolve, rotate | cause to turn on an axis or center.; "Rotate the handle" |
v. (contact) | 8. crank | fasten with a crank. |
| ~ fasten, fix, secure | cause to be firmly attached.; "fasten the lock onto the door"; "she fixed her gaze on the man" |
v. (contact) | 9. crank | bend into the shape of a crank. |
| ~ twist, bend, deform, flex, turn | cause (a plastic object) to assume a crooked or angular form.; "bend the rod"; "twist the dough into a braid"; "the strong man could turn an iron bar" |
adj. | 10. crank, cranky, tender, tippy | (used of boats) inclined to heel over easily under sail. |
| ~ boat | a small vessel for travel on water. |
| ~ unstable | lacking stability or fixity or firmness.; "unstable political conditions"; "the tower proved to be unstable in the high wind"; "an unstable world economy" |
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