bend | | |
n. (shape) | 1. bend, crook, turn, twist | a circular segment of a curve.; "a bend in the road"; "a crook in the path" |
| ~ curve, curved shape | the trace of a point whose direction of motion changes. |
| ~ bight | a bend or curve (especially in a coastline). |
n. (event) | 2. bend, bending | movement that causes the formation of a curve. |
| ~ motion, movement | a natural event that involves a change in the position or location of something. |
| ~ deflexion, deflection, refraction | the amount by which a propagating wave is bent. |
n. (artifact) | 3. bend, curve | curved segment (of a road or river or railroad track etc.). |
| ~ blind bend, blind curve | a curve or bend in the road that you cannot see around as you are driving. |
| ~ elbow | a sharp bend in a road or river. |
| ~ hairpin bend | a U-shaped bend in a road. |
| ~ road, route | an open way (generally public) for travel or transportation. |
| ~ segment, section | one of several parts or pieces that fit with others to constitute a whole object.; "a section of a fishing rod"; "metal sections were used below ground"; "finished the final segment of the road" |
| ~ river | a large natural stream of water (larger than a creek).; "the river was navigable for 50 miles" |
n. (shape) | 4. bend, crease, crimp, flexure, fold, plication | an angular or rounded shape made by folding.; "a fold in the napkin"; "a crease in his trousers"; "a plication on her blouse"; "a flexure of the colon"; "a bend of his elbow" |
| ~ pleat, plait | any of various types of fold formed by doubling fabric back upon itself and then pressing or stitching into shape. |
| ~ angular shape, angularity | a shape having one or more sharp angles. |
| ~ twirl, kink, twist | a sharp bend in a line produced when a line having a loop is pulled tight. |
| ~ pucker, ruck | an irregular fold in an otherwise even surface (as in cloth). |
n. (location) | 5. bend | a town in central Oregon at the eastern foot of the Cascade Range. |
| ~ town | an urban area with a fixed boundary that is smaller than a city.; "they drive through town on their way to work" |
| ~ beaver state, or, oregon | a state in northwestern United States on the Pacific. |
n. (artifact) | 6. bend, bend dexter | diagonal line traversing a shield from the upper right corner to the lower left. |
| ~ ordinary | (heraldry) any of several conventional figures used on shields. |
v. (motion) | 7. bend, flex | form a curve.; "The stick does not bend" |
| ~ change form, change shape, deform | assume a different shape or form. |
| ~ crook, curve | bend or cause to bend.; "He crooked his index finger"; "the road curved sharply" |
| ~ arc, arch, curve | form an arch or curve.; "her back arches"; "her hips curve nicely" |
| ~ incurvate | bend inwards.; "The body incurvates a little at the back" |
| ~ replicate, retroflex | bend or turn backward. |
| ~ lean, tilt, angle, slant, tip | to incline or bend from a vertical position.; "She leaned over the banister" |
| ~ crouch, stoop, bend, bow | bend one's back forward from the waist on down.; "he crouched down"; "She bowed before the Queen"; "The young man stooped to pick up the girl's purse" |
| ~ double over, double up, double | bend over or curl up, usually with laughter or pain.; "He doubled and vomited violently" |
| ~ fawn, grovel, cower, cringe, crawl, creep | show submission or fear. |
| ~ curl up, curl, draw in | shape one's body into a curl.; "She curled farther down under the covers"; "She fell and drew in" |
v. (motion) | 8. bend | change direction.; "The road bends" |
| ~ turn | change orientation or direction, also in the abstract sense.; "Turn towards me"; "The mugger turned and fled before I could see his face"; "She turned from herself and learned to listen to others' needs" |
v. (contact) | 9. bend, deform, flex, turn, twist | cause (a plastic object) to assume a crooked or angular form.; "bend the rod"; "twist the dough into a braid"; "the strong man could turn an iron bar" |
| ~ change form, change shape, deform | assume a different shape or form. |
| ~ dent, indent | make a depression into.; "The bicycle dented my car" |
| ~ incurvate | cause to curve inward.; "gravity incurvates the rays" |
| ~ gnarl | twist into a state of deformity.; "The wind has gnarled this old tree" |
| ~ crank | bend into the shape of a crank. |
| ~ convolute, convolve | curl, wind, or twist together. |
v. (motion) | 10. bend, bow, crouch, stoop | bend one's back forward from the waist on down.; "he crouched down"; "She bowed before the Queen"; "The young man stooped to pick up the girl's purse" |
| ~ change posture | undergo a change in bodily posture. |
| ~ bend, flex | form a curve.; "The stick does not bend" |
| ~ squinch | crouch down. |
| ~ cower, huddle | crouch or curl up.; "They huddled outside in the rain" |
v. (motion) | 11. bend, deflect, turn away | turn from a straight course, fixed direction, or line of interest. |
| ~ turn | change orientation or direction, also in the abstract sense.; "Turn towards me"; "The mugger turned and fled before I could see his face"; "She turned from herself and learned to listen to others' needs" |
v. (contact) | 12. bend, flex | bend a joint.; "flex your wrists"; "bend your knees" |
| ~ move | move so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion.; "He moved his hand slightly to the right" |
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