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reyalismo : realism (n.)
[ Etymology: Spanish: realismo: realism ]

Derivatives of reyalismo

n. (attribute)1. pragmatism, realismthe attribute of accepting the facts of life and favoring practicality and literal truth.
~ practicalityconcerned with actual use rather than theoretical possibilities.
n. (state)2. realism, reality, realnessthe state of being actual or real.; "the reality of his situation slowly dawned on him"
~ actualitythe state of actually existing objectively.; "a hope that progressed from possibility to actuality"
~ factan event known to have happened or something known to have existed.; "your fears have no basis in fact"; "how much of the story is fact and how much fiction is hard to tell"
n. (cognition)3. naive realism, realism(philosophy) the philosophical doctrine that physical objects continue to exist when not perceived.
~ philosophythe rational investigation of questions about existence and knowledge and ethics.
~ philosophical doctrine, philosophical theorya doctrine accepted by adherents to a philosophy.
n. (group)4. naturalism, realisman artistic movement in 19th century France; artists and writers strove for detailed realistic and factual description.
~ art movement, artistic movementa group of artists who agree on general principles.
n. (cognition)5. platonism, realism(philosophy) the philosophical doctrine that abstract concepts exist independent of their names.
~ philosophythe rational investigation of questions about existence and knowledge and ethics.
~ philosophical doctrine, philosophical theorya doctrine accepted by adherents to a philosophy.