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sebada : barley (n.)
[ Etymology: Spanish: cebada: barley ]

Derivatives of sebada

n. (food)1. barley, barleycorna grain of barley.
~ food grain, cereal, grainfoodstuff prepared from the starchy grains of cereal grasses.
~ pearl barleybarley ground into small round pellets.
~ common barley, hordeum vulgaregrass yielding grain used for breakfast food and animal feed and in malt beverages.
n. (plant)2. barleycultivated since prehistoric times; grown for forage and grain.
~ genus hordeum, hordeumannual to perennial grasses of temperate northern hemisphere and South America: barley.
~ common barley, hordeum vulgaregrass yielding grain used for breakfast food and animal feed and in malt beverages.
~ barley grass, hordeum murinum, wall barleyEuropean annual grass often found as a weed in waste ground especially along roadsides and hedgerows.
~ foxtail barley, hordeum jubatum, squirreltail barley, squirreltail grassbarley grown for its highly ornamental flower heads with delicate long silky awns; North America and northeastern Asia.
~ hordeum pusillum, little barleyannual barley native to western North America and widespread in southern United States and tropical America.
~ cereal, cereal grassgrass whose starchy grains are used as food: wheat; rice; rye; oats; maize; buckwheat; millet.