squall | | |
n. (phenomenon) | 1. squall | sudden violent winds; often accompanied by precipitation. |
| ~ line squall | a squall advancing along a front that forms a definite line. |
| ~ air current, current of air, wind | air moving (sometimes with considerable force) from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure.; "trees bent under the fierce winds"; "when there is no wind, row"; "the radioactivity was being swept upwards by the air current and out into the atmosphere" |
v. (communication) | 2. squall, waul, wawl | make high-pitched, whiney noises. |
| ~ howl, ululate, wail, yaup, yawl, roar | emit long loud cries.; "wail in self-pity"; "howl with sorrow" |
v. (communication) | 3. call, cry, holler, hollo, scream, shout, shout out, squall, yell | utter a sudden loud cry.; "she cried with pain when the doctor inserted the needle"; "I yelled to her from the window but she couldn't hear me" |
| ~ call | utter in a loud voice or announce.; "He called my name"; "The auctioneer called the bids" |
| ~ call out, cry out, exclaim, outcry, cry, shout | utter aloud; often with surprise, horror, or joy.; "`I won!' he exclaimed"; "`Help!' she cried"; "`I'm here,' the mother shouted when she saw her child looking lost" |
| ~ hollo | cry hollo. |
| ~ hurrah | shout `hurrah!'. |
| ~ halloo | shout `halloo', as when greeting someone or attracting attention. |
| ~ whoop | shout, as if with joy or enthusiasm.; "The children whooped when they were led to the picnic table" |
| ~ pipe, shriek, shrill, pipe up | utter a shrill cry. |
| ~ let loose, let out, utter, emit | express audibly; utter sounds (not necessarily words).; "She let out a big heavy sigh"; "He uttered strange sounds that nobody could understand" |
| ~ howl, ululate, wail, yaup, yawl, roar | emit long loud cries.; "wail in self-pity"; "howl with sorrow" |
| ~ skreigh, squawk, screak, screech, skreak | utter a harsh abrupt scream. |
v. (weather) | 4. squall | blow in a squall.; "When it squalls, a prudent sailor reefs his sails" |
| ~ blow | be blowing or storming.; "The wind blew from the West" |
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