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trokis [trú.kis.] : cross swords (v.); trade (v.) [baylo]
[ Etymology: Spanish: troqué: swap ]

Derivatives of trokis

n. (act)1. tradethe commercial exchange (buying and selling on domestic or international markets) of goods and services.; "Venice was an important center of trade with the East"; "they are accused of conspiring to constrain trade"
~ commerce, commercialism, mercantilismtransactions (sales and purchases) having the objective of supplying commodities (goods and services).
~ fair tradetrade that is conducted legally.
~ fair tradetrade that satisfies certain criteria on the supply chain of the goods involved, usually including fair payment for producers; often with other social and environmental considerations.
~ free tradeinternational trade free of government interference.
~ protectuse tariffs to favor domestic industry.
n. (act)2. craft, tradethe skilled practice of a practical occupation.; "he learned his trade as an apprentice"
~ job, line of work, occupation, business, linethe principal activity in your life that you do to earn money.; "he's not in my line of business"
~ airplane mechanicsthe craft of building and repairing airplanes.
~ auto mechanicsthe craft of building and repairing automobiles.
~ basketrythe craft of basket making.
~ carpentry, woodworking, woodworkthe craft of a carpenter: making things out of wood.
~ drafting, mechanical drawingthe craft of drawing blueprints.
~ dressmakingthe craft of making dresses.
~ electrical workthe craft of an electrician.
~ interior design, interior decorationthe trade of planning the layout and furnishings of an architectural interior.
~ lumberingthe trade of cutting or preparing or selling timber.
~ masonrythe craft of a mason.
~ oculismthe craft of an oculist.
~ house painting, paintingthe occupation of a house painter.; "house painting was the only craft he knew"
~ papermakingthe craft of making paper.
~ pilotage, pilotingthe occupation of a pilot.
~ plumbery, plumbingthe occupation of a plumber (installing and repairing pipes and fixtures for water or gas or sewage in a building).
~ potterythe craft of making earthenware.
~ pyrotechny, pyrotechnicsthe craft of making fireworks.
~ cobbling, shoe repairing, shoemakingthe shoemaker's trade.
~ roofingthe craft of a roofer.
~ sheet-metal workthe craft of doing sheet metal work (as in ventilation systems).
~ shinglingthe laying on of shingles.; "shingling is a craft very different from carpentry"
~ tailoringthe occupation of a tailor.
~ tool-and-die workthe craft of making special tools and dies.
~ handicrafta craft that requires skillful hands.
~ mintageact or process of minting coins.
~ tanningmaking leather from rawhide.
~ typographythe craft of composing type and printing from it.
~ undertakingthe trade of a funeral director.
~ upholsterythe craft of upholstering.
~ wine making, winemakingthe craft and science of growing grapes and making wine.
n. (act)3. patronage, tradethe business given to a commercial establishment by its customers.; "even before noon there was a considerable patronage"
~ businessthe volume of commercial activity.; "business is good today"; "show me where the business was today"
~ customhabitual patronage.; "I have given this tailor my custom for many years"
n. (act)4. business deal, deal, tradea particular instance of buying or selling.; "it was a package deal"; "I had no further trade with him"; "he's a master of the business deal"
~ transaction, dealing, dealingsthe act of transacting within or between groups (as carrying on commercial activities).; "no transactions are possible without him"; "he has always been honest is his dealings with me"
~ arms deala deal to provide military arms.
~ penny antea business deal on a trivial scale.
n. (group)5. craft, tradepeople who perform a particular kind of skilled work.; "he represented the craft of brewers"; "as they say in the trade"
~ social class, socio-economic class, stratum, classpeople having the same social, economic, or educational status.; "the working class"; "an emerging professional class"
n. (phenomenon)6. trade, trade windsteady winds blowing from east to west above and below the equator.; "they rode the trade winds going west"
~ prevailing windthe predominant wind direction.; "the prevailing wind is from the southwest"
n. (act)7. barter, swap, swop, tradean equal exchange.; "we had no money so we had to live by barter"
~ interchange, exchangereciprocal transfer of equivalent sums of money (especially the currencies of different countries).; "he earns his living from the interchange of currency"
~ horse trade, horse tradingthe swapping of horses (accompanied by much bargaining).
v. (possession)8. merchandise, tradeengage in the trade of.; "he is merchandising telephone sets"
~ commerce, commercialism, mercantilismtransactions (sales and purchases) having the objective of supplying commodities (goods and services).
~ buy, purchaseobtain by purchase; acquire by means of a financial transaction.; "The family purchased a new car"; "The conglomerate acquired a new company"; "She buys for the big department store"
~ black market, rundeal in illegally, such as arms or liquor.
~ sellexchange or deliver for money or its equivalent.; "He sold his house in January"; "She sells her body to survive and support her drug habit"
~ traffictrade or deal a commodity.; "They trafficked with us for gold"
~ arbitragepractice arbitrage, as in the stock market.
~ trafficdeal illegally.; "traffic drugs"
~ marketengage in the commercial promotion, sale, or distribution of.; "The company is marketing its new line of beauty products"
~ importbring in from abroad.
~ exportsell or transfer abroad.; "we export less than we import and have a negative trade balance"
v. (possession)9. trade, trade inturn in as payment or part payment for a purchase.; "trade in an old car for a new one"
~ commerce, commercialism, mercantilismtransactions (sales and purchases) having the objective of supplying commodities (goods and services).
~ exchange, interchange, changegive to, and receive from, one another.; "Would you change places with me?"; "We have been exchanging letters for a year"
~ barter awaytrade in in a bartering transaction.
v. (stative)10. tradebe traded at a certain price or under certain conditions.; "The stock traded around $20 a share"
~ commerce, commercialism, mercantilismtransactions (sales and purchases) having the objective of supplying commodities (goods and services).
~ sellbe sold at a certain price or in a certain way.; "These books sell like hot cakes"
~ closebe priced or listed when trading stops.; "The stock market closed high this Friday"; "My new stocks closed at $59 last night"
v. (possession)11. swap, switch, swop, tradeexchange or give (something) in exchange for.
~ exchange, interchange, changegive to, and receive from, one another.; "Would you change places with me?"; "We have been exchanging letters for a year"
v. (possession)12. deal, sell, tradedo business; offer for sale as for one's livelihood.; "She deals in gold"; "The brothers sell shoes"
~ commerce, commercialism, mercantilismtransactions (sales and purchases) having the objective of supplying commodities (goods and services).
~ pushsell or promote the sale of (illegal goods such as drugs).; "The guy hanging around the school is pushing drugs"
~ transactconduct business.; "transact with foreign governments"
~ dealsell.; "deal hashish"
~ dealsell.; "deal hashish"
~ black marketeerdeal on the black market.
~ pyramiduse or deal in (as of stock or commercial transaction) in a pyramid deal.
~ marketdeal in a market.
~ hawk, huckster, monger, peddle, vend, pitchsell or offer for sale from place to place.
~ sellbe sold at a certain price or in a certain way.; "These books sell like hot cakes"