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Word - rootword - affixes
tindahan - tinda - -han~
tin.da.han. - 3 syllables

-han = tindahan

tindahan [tin.dá.han.] : emporium (n.); shop (n.); store (n.)
tinda [tin.da.] : merchandise (n.); sale (n.); ware (n.)
[ Etymology: Spanish: tienda: store ]
Synonyms: almasin; baligyaan; koop

Derivatives of tinda

n. (artifact)1. department store, emporiuma large retail store organized into departments offering a variety of merchandise; commonly part of a retail chain.
~ mercantile establishment, outlet, retail store, sales outleta place of business for retailing goods.
~ retail chaina chain of retail stores.
n. (artifact)1. shop, storea mercantile establishment for the retail sale of goods or services.; "he bought it at a shop on Cape Cod"
~ bakehouse, bakery, bakeshopa workplace where baked goods (breads and cakes and pastries) are produced or sold.
~ barbershopa shop where men can get their hair cut.
~ bazaar, bazara shop where a variety of goods are sold.
~ betting shopa licensed bookmaker's shop that is not at the race track.
~ bodegaa small Hispanic shop selling wine and groceries.
~ bookshop, bookstall, bookstorea shop where books are sold.
~ bootha small shop at a fair; for selling goods or entertainment.
~ boutique, dress shopa shop that sells women's clothes and jewelry.
~ building supply house, building supply storea store where builders can purchase materials for building houses and related structures.
~ butcher shop, meat marketa shop in which meat and poultry (and sometimes fish) are sold.
~ canteensells food and personal items to personnel at an institution or school or camp etc..
~ chain storeone of a chain of retail stores under the same management and selling the same merchandise.
~ cleaners, dry cleanersshop where dry cleaning is done.
~ clothing store, haberdashery, haberdashery store, mens storea store where men's clothes are sold.
~ commissarya retail store that sells equipment and provisions (usually to military personnel).
~ computer storea store that sells computers to the small businessperson or personal user.
~ candy store, confectionary, confectionerya confectioner's shop.
~ convenience storea store selling a limited variety of food and pharmaceutical items; open long hours for the convenience of customers.
~ deli, food shop, delicatessena shop selling ready-to-eat food products.
~ apothecary's shop, chemist's, chemist's shop, drugstore, pharmacya retail shop where medicine and other articles are sold.
~ florist shop, flower store, florista shop where flowers and ornamental plants are sold.
~ gift shop, novelty shopa shop that sells miscellaneous articles appropriate as gifts.
~ hardware store, ironmonger's shop, ironmongera store selling hardware.; "in Great Britain they used to call a hardware store an ironmonger's shop"
~ head shopa shop specializing in articles of interest to drug users.; "he bought some roach clips and hashish pipes at the head shop"
~ junk shopa shop that sells cheap secondhand goods.
~ mercantile establishment, outlet, retail store, sales outleta place of business for retailing goods.
~ hat shop, millineryshop selling women's hats.
~ outfittera shop that provides equipment for some specific purpose.; "an outfitter provided everything needed for the safari"
~ liquor store, off-licence, package storea store that sells alcoholic beverages for consumption elsewhere.
~ loan office, pawnbroker's shop, pawnshopa shop where loans are made with personal property as security.
~ perfumerystore where perfumes are sold.
~ pet shopa shop where pet animals can be purchased.
~ pizza parlor, pizza shop, pizzeriaa shop where pizzas are made and sold.
~ fix-it shop, repair shopa shop specializing in repairs and maintenance.
~ beauty parlor, beauty parlour, beauty salon, beauty shop, salona shop where hairdressers and beauticians work.
~ shoe-shop, shoe shop, shoe storea shop where shoes are sold.
~ shopfront, storefrontthe front side of a store facing the street; usually contains display windows.
~ specialty storea store that sells only one kind of merchandise.
~ second-hand store, thriftshopa shop that sells secondhand goods at reduced prices.
~ tobacco shop, tobacconist shop, tobacconista shop that sells pipes and pipe tobacco and cigars and cigarettes.
~ toyshopshop where toys are sold.
n. (artifact)2. shop, workshopsmall workplace where handcrafts or manufacturing are done.
~ binderya workshop where books are bound.
~ bookbinderya bookbinder's workshop; a place for binding books.
~ brickfield, brickyarda place where bricks are made and sold.
~ chop shopa place where stolen cars are disassembled for their parts.
~ dye-worksa workshop where dyeing is done.
~ machine shopworkshop where metal is cut and shaped etc., by machine tools.
~ potterya workshop where clayware is made.
~ print shop, printing shopa workplace where printing is done.
~ saddleryworkshop where a saddler works.
~ sheltered workshopa workshop that offers jobs to members of the physically or developmentally disabled population.
~ turneryworkshop where objects are made on a lathe.
~ workplace, worka place where work is done.; "he arrived at work early today"
n. (act)3. shop, shop classa course of instruction in a trade (as carpentry or electricity).; "I built a birdhouse in shop"
~ course, course of instruction, course of study, classeducation imparted in a series of lessons or meetings.; "he took a course in basket weaving"; "flirting is not unknown in college classes"
v. (possession)4. shopdo one's shopping.; "She goes shopping every Friday"
~ commerce, commercialism, mercantilismtransactions (sales and purchases) having the objective of supplying commodities (goods and services).
~ buy, purchaseobtain by purchase; acquire by means of a financial transaction.; "The family purchased a new car"; "The conglomerate acquired a new company"; "She buys for the big department store"
~ obtaincome into possession of.; "How did you obtain the visa?"
~ marketbuy household supplies.; "We go marketing every Saturday"
v. (social)5. buy at, frequent, patronise, patronize, shop, shop at, sponsordo one's shopping at; do business with; be a customer or client of.
~ back up, supportgive moral or psychological support, aid, or courage to.; "She supported him during the illness"; "Her children always backed her up"
v. (possession)6. browse, shopshop around; not necessarily buying.; "I don't need help, I'm just browsing"
~ commerce, commercialism, mercantilismtransactions (sales and purchases) having the objective of supplying commodities (goods and services).
~ surf, browselook around casually and randomly, without seeking anything in particular.; "browse a computer directory"; "surf the internet or the world wide web"
~ look for, search, seektry to locate or discover, or try to establish the existence of.; "The police are searching for clues"; "They are searching for the missing man in the entire county"
~ comparison-shopcompare prices for a given item.
~ antiqueshop for antiques.; "We went antiquing on Saturday"
~ window-shopexamine the shop windows; shop with the eyes only.
v. (communication)7. betray, denounce, give away, grass, rat, shit, shop, snitch, stag, tell ongive away information about somebody.; "He told on his classmate who had cheated on the exam"
~ informimpart knowledge of some fact, state or affairs, or event to.; "I informed him of his rights"
~ sell outgive information that compromises others.
n. (possession)1. fund, stock, storea supply of something available for future use.; "he brought back a large store of Cuban cigars"
~ infrastructure, basethe stock of basic facilities and capital equipment needed for the functioning of a country or area.; "the industrial base of Japan"
~ accumulation(finance) profits that are not paid out as dividends but are added to the capital base of the corporation.
~ hoard, stash, cachea secret store of valuables or money.
~ provisiona store or supply of something (especially of food or clothing or arms).
~ government issue, military issue, issuesupplies (as food or clothing or ammunition) issued by the government.
~ seed stocka supply of seeds (or tubers) reserved for planting.
n. (artifact)2. computer memory, computer storage, memory, memory board, storage, storean electronic memory device.; "a memory and the CPU form the central part of a computer to which peripherals are attached"
~ computer, computing device, computing machine, data processor, electronic computer, information processing systema machine for performing calculations automatically.
~ computer hardware, hardware(computer science) the mechanical, magnetic, electronic, and electrical components making up a computer system.
~ memory device, storage devicea device that preserves information for retrieval.
~ non-volatile storage, nonvolatile storagecomputer storage that is not lost when the power is turned off.
~ fixed storage, read-only memory, read-only storage, rom(computer science) memory whose contents can be accessed and read but cannot be changed.
~ real storagethe main memory in a virtual memory system.
~ register(computer science) memory device that is the part of computer memory that has a specific address and that is used to hold information of a specific kind.
~ scratchpad(computer science) a high-speed internal memory used for temporary storage of preliminary information.
~ virtual memory, virtual storage(computer science) memory created by using the hard disk to simulate additional random-access memory; the addressable storage space available to the user of a computer system in which virtual addresses are mapped into real addresses.
~ volatile storagecomputer storage that is erased when the power is turned off.
n. (artifact)3. depot, entrepot, storage, store, storehousea depository for goods.; "storehouses were built close to the docks"
~ depositary, depository, repository, deposita facility where things can be deposited for storage or safekeeping.
~ dumpa place where supplies can be stored.; "an ammunition dump"
~ garner, granarya storehouse for threshed grain or animal feed.
~ powder magazine, powder store, magazinea storehouse (as a compartment on a warship) where weapons and ammunition are stored.
~ railheada railroad depot in a theater of operations where military supplies are unloaded for distribution.
~ treasure housea storehouse for treasures.
~ storage warehouse, warehousea storehouse for goods and merchandise.
v. (possession)4. hive away, lay in, put in, salt away, stack away, stash away, storekeep or lay aside for future use.; "store grain for the winter"; "The bear stores fat for the period of hibernation when he doesn't eat"
~ binstore in bins.
~ keep, hold onretain possession of.; "Can I keep my old stuffed animals?"; "She kept her maiden name after she married"
~ computerise, computerizestore in a computer.; "computerized dictionary"
~ victuallay in provisions.; "The vessel victualled before the long voyage"
~ accumulate, collect, compile, amass, hoard, roll up, pile upget or gather together.; "I am accumulating evidence for the man's unfaithfulness to his wife"; "She is amassing a lot of data for her thesis"; "She rolled up a small fortune"
~ hivestore, like bees.; "bees hive honey and pollen"; "He hived lots of information"
v. (possession)5. storefind a place for and put away for storage.; "where should we stow the vegetables?"; "I couldn't store all the books in the attic so I sold some"
~ garnerstore grain.
~ keep, hold onretain possession of.; "Can I keep my old stuffed animals?"; "She kept her maiden name after she married"
~ keepstore or keep customarily.; "Where do you keep your gardening tools?"
~ mothballput into long-term storage.
~ repositput (something) in a place for storage.; "the treasure found int he ancient tomb was reposited in the museum"
~ wharfstore on a wharf.; "Wharf the merchandise"
~ tankstore in a tank by causing (something) to flow into it.
~ loftstore in a loft.
~ warehousestore in a warehouse.
~ garagekeep or store in a garage.; "we don't garage our car"
~ bottlestore (liquids or gases) in bottles.
~ ensilestore in a silo.; "ensile fodder for the cows"
n. (act)1. salea particular instance of selling.; "he has just made his first sale"; "they had to complete the sale before the banks closed"
~ marketing, merchandising, sellingthe exchange of goods for an agreed sum of money.
~ divestiturethe sale by a company of a product line or a subsidiary or a division.
n. (act)2. salethe general activity of selling.; "they tried to boost sales"; "laws limit the sale of handguns"
~ auction sale, vendue, auctionthe public sale of something to the highest bidder.
~ marketing, merchandising, sellingthe exchange of goods for an agreed sum of money.
~ sellthe activity of persuading someone to buy.; "it was a hard sell"
n. (act)3. cut-rate sale, sale, sales eventan occasion (usually brief) for buying at specially reduced prices.; "they held a sale to reduce their inventory"; "I got some great bargains at their annual sale"
~ bazaar, faira sale of miscellany; often for charity.; "the church bazaar"
~ boot sale, car boot salean outdoor sale at which people sell things from the trunk of their car.
~ clearance sale, inventory-clearance salea sale to reduce inventory.
~ closeouta sale intended to dispose of all remaining stock.
~ fire salea sale of merchandise supposedly damaged by fire.
~ fire salea sale of assets at very low prices typically when the seller faces bankruptcy.
~ garage sale, yard salean outdoor sale of used personal or household items held on the seller's premises.
~ going-out-of-business salea sale of all the tangible assets of a business that is about to close.; "during the Great Depression going-out-of-business sales were very common"
~ realisation, realizationa sale in order to obtain money (as a sale of stock or a sale of the estate of a bankrupt person) or the money so obtained.
~ jumble sale, rummage salea sale of donated articles.
~ selloffa sale of a relatively large number of assets (stocks or bonds or commodities) at a low price typically done to dispose of them rather than as normal trade.
~ white salea sale of household linens.
~ occasionan opportunity to do something.; "there was never an occasion for her to demonstrate her skill"
n. (state)4. salethe state of being purchasable; offered or exhibited for selling.; "you'll find vitamin C for sale at most pharmacies"; "the new line of cars will soon be on sale"
~ merchantabilitythe state of being fit for market; ready to be bought or sold.
n. (communication)5. sale, sales agreementan agreement (or contract) in which property is transferred from the seller (vendor) to the buyer (vendee) for a fixed price in money (paid or agreed to be paid by the buyer).; "the salesman faxed the sales agreement to his home office"
~ conditional salea sale in which the buyer receives title to the property only upon the performance of some condition (usually the full payment of the purchase price).
~ execution sale, forced sale, judicial sale, sheriff's salea sale of property by the sheriff under authority of a court's writ of execution in order satisfy an unpaid obligation.
~ agreement, understandingthe statement (oral or written) of an exchange of promises.; "they had an agreement that they would not interfere in each other's business"; "there was an understanding between management and the workers"
n. (artifact)1. warearticles of the same kind or material; usually used in combination: `silverware', `software'.
~ articleone of a class of artifacts.; "an article of clothing"
~ article of commercean article that is offered for sale.
~ metalwarehousehold articles made of metal (especially for use at table).
~ tablewarearticles for use at the table (dishes and silverware and glassware).
~ woodenwareware for domestic use made of wood.
n. (artifact)2. merchandise, product, warecommodities offered for sale.; "good business depends on having good merchandise"; "that store offers a variety of products"
~ cargo, consignment, freight, lading, shipment, payload, load, loadinggoods carried by a large vehicle.
~ commodity, trade good, goodarticles of commerce.
~ contrabandgoods whose importation or exportation or possession is prohibited by law.
~ featurean article of merchandise that is displayed or advertised more than other articles.
~ genericany product that can be sold without a brand name.
~ ironmongerythe merchandise that is sold in an ironmonger's shop.
~ irregular, secondmerchandise that has imperfections; usually sold at a reduced price without the brand name.
~ business line, line of business, line of merchandise, line of products, product line, linea particular kind of product or merchandise.; "a nice line of shoes"
~ mercantile establishment, outlet, retail store, sales outleta place of business for retailing goods.
~ numberan item of merchandise offered for sale.; "she preferred the black nylon number"; "this sweater is an all-wool number"
~ refilla commercial product that refills a container with its appropriate contents.; "he got a refill for his ball-point pen"; "he got a refill for his notebook"
~ releasemerchandise issued for sale or public showing (especially a record or film).; "a new release from the London Symphony Orchestra"
~ dreck, schlock, shlockmerchandise that is shoddy or inferior.
~ software product, software packagemerchandise consisting of a computer program that is offered for sale.
~ inventory, stockthe merchandise that a shop has on hand.; "they carried a vast inventory of hardware"; "they stopped selling in exact sizes in order to reduce inventory"
~ top of the linethe best (most expensive) in a given line of merchandise.
~ piece goods, yard goodsmerchandise in the form of fabrics sold by the yard.
v. (consumption)3. consume, squander, ware, wastespend extravagantly.; "waste not, want not"
~ fool away, fritter, fritter away, frivol away, fool, dissipate, shootspend frivolously and unwisely.; "Fritter away one's inheritance"
~ luxuriate, wantonbecome extravagant; indulge (oneself) luxuriously.
~ lavish, showerexpend profusely; also used with abstract nouns.; "He was showered with praise"
~ overspendspend at a high rate.
~ expend, spend, droppay out.; "spend money"
~ splurge, flingindulge oneself.; "I splurged on a new TV"